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Jadi, setelah kamu menyelesaikan misi di Mini Temple (Water Temple/Nishiki Servant), sebuah box jatuh dan sekarang kamu bisa memainkan 4 misi tambahan dari seri Tomba pertama.
Persyaratannya? Kamu harus nyelesein beberapa quest tertentu yang ada di Tomba 1 untuk bisa unlock quest Tomba 1 dalam save-an Tomba 2 kamu.
Ceritanya, Tomba ketemu lagi sama para karakter yang ada di Tomba pertama, yaitu Yan of the Hidden Village, 100-year Old Man, The Lost Dwarf, sama extra quest dari Mizuno the Witch.
Event 1: A Large Flower Seed (finish: Lost Dwarf Child)
Discover: Go back to the Chimney Shed in the Kujara Ranch Area, there will be dwarves there, talk to them.
Finish: Go to the place of the Holy Tree, to the end of the road, to the right, there should be a seed there, get it and plant it in the Circus Town (in the person near a big pot, second floor) get the flower and give it back to the dwarves.
Prize: Dwarf's Proof
Event 2: Invisible Mirror (finish: The Cute Witch)
Discover: Talk to Mizuno the Witch in Donglin
Finish: go to the Kujara Summit, near the Crying Door, there should be an ice block there, smash it and get the mirror, give it to the witch.
Prize: Mizuno's Proof
Event 3: Yan of the Hidden Village (finish: Who Are You?)
Discover: Talk to the boy in the pig suit in the Circus Village
Finish: Go in the Laughing Door in the same village, talk to Yan
Prize: Yan's Proof
Event 4: 100-year Old Man (finish: 100-year Old Man)
Discover: In the Water Temple, in the back, there should be an amulet there, get it.
Finish: in the Crying Door, in the Water Temple, give the Amulet to the 100 Year Old Man.
Prize: Old Man's Proof.
Buktinya :)) |
Pot of Life
Nggak banyak yang tahu kalo sebenarnya ada satu Pot of Life rahasia yang tersimpan di salah satu tempat. Kalo biasanya kamu nemu pot of life 1/2, yang ini Pot of life full version. Yah, kamu bisa bilang ini super pot atau semacamnya :)
Town of the Fishermen
- Inside the Red treasure chest on the roof next to Kainen's house.
- Floating Red treasure chest above the fish net next to Kainen's house.
Waterfall of Heavens
Waterfall of Heavens
- In a red treasure chest above the barrel seesaws.
- Inside of a blue treasure chest on top of Win's Windmill.
- On a platform inside a green treasure chest, which is above the place with the two water plants.
- Inside a green treasure chest high above the fisherman in the The Stuck Fishhook Line event.
- Inside a white treasure chest high above the barrel seesaws.
Pipe Area
Pipe Area
- On a platform above the location of the Ice Boomerang in a red treasure chest.
- In a green treasure chest next to the entrance to Coal-Mining Town.
- Found under the pipes in Pipe Area.
Under the first encountered pipe that is easily found when walking
towards the center of the area. The Grapple is recommended when
attempting to collect it.
- Inside a treasure chest in the Tiny Mouse House.
Coal-Mining Town
Coal-Mining Town
- Complete the Starving Charles event.
Kujara Ranch
Kujara Ranch
- In a green treasure chest under the entrance to Tower of Strength.
- Inside a blue treasure chest above the door to the Lift Stop.
- (The Harder one) Grab the hanging rope and snow will fall down at Tomba, creating a snow ball.
the directional buttons to steer the speed of the snowball. Make it hit
the trampoline below and it will bounce high up in the sky, where a
hidden Pot of Life is found. (This is a whole Pot of Life, not a Pot of
Life 1/2.)
Kujara Summit
Kujara Summit
- In a green treasure chest inside a ice block.
- Complete the Itchy Charles event.
- Inside a green treasure chest above the spa.
- Inside a stone block that can be smashed with the Torch Hammer.
- Inside a white treasure chest beneath a stone block, that can be smashed with the Torch Hammer.
Donglin Forest
Donglin Forest
Inside a blue treasure chest right under Mizuno's house, which is
located in the top right corner of the swampy part of the area.
- Inside a green treasure chest below the Snow Firefly collector in the upper left part of the swampy part of the area.
Adventurer's Chest/AP BOX Locations
- Town of Fisherman, clearly seen in the background (50,000 AP)
- In Pipe area, climb fiery chain on the left, jump toward it (100,000 AP)
- Kujara Ranch, In the place where you see the firefly nest, on one of the ledges, opposite the aquatic plant (200,000 AP)
- Deep Forest, Where you get the rock crab (1,000,000 AP)
- Deep Forest, Where you get the rock crab (1,000,000 AP)
- Town of Fisherman, In the Tiny Mouse's House(2,000,000 AP)
The Endings
nggak nyangka, bahwa sebenernya di Tomba 2 ada 3 versi ending yang
berbeda. Dan gue baru tahu di umur ke 23! Ya oloooh kemana aja gue
selama 23 tahun.....
Ending 1: when you have less than 133 missions. Game Over!
Ending 2: when you have perfect 133 missions. Tomba says goodbye to Kainen in a Tuxedo!
Ending 3: when you have perfect 133 missions + extra missions!! Tomba says goodbye to Kainen in a different color tuxedo!
Dan ketika kamu udah menyelesaikan empat extra event tadi, Congrats! You've unlocked the perfect ending! :)
Ending 2: when you have perfect 133 missions. Tomba says goodbye to Kainen in a Tuxedo!
Ending 3: when you have perfect 133 missions + extra missions!! Tomba says goodbye to Kainen in a different color tuxedo!
Dan ketika kamu udah menyelesaikan empat extra event tadi, Congrats! You've unlocked the perfect ending! :)
gilaaa gan.... ente dah tamat? ane mainin dr umur belasan tahun sampai sekarang masih belum tamat2. sampai ps1 hilang dr pasaran belum tamat juga. thanks gan infonya..
ReplyDeleteUdah empat kali tamat makanya juga bisa nulis beginian lol
Deletemungkin kamu kurang rajin aja kali mainnya :D
Gan, mau tanya. Dapatin holly water y dmn??
ReplyDeleteHoly Water keluar dari Holy Pedestal (Air mancur kepala babi) di Water Temple :)
DeleteAduuh jadi selama ini ending nya ada 3 toh gua mah cuman dapat ending game over doang abis side quest nya susah2 sih
ReplyDeleteSemoga semangat lagi dapetin perfect endingnya yes :D
DeleteIve done this game for many times dan blm pernah perfect ending. Ngeliat review ini jadi main lg mau bikin perfect. Lengkap bgt haha
ReplyDeleteWow that's relieving, thanks for stopping by, semoga terbantu ya :D
DeleteGils speechless banget...gua pikir sebentar lagi tomba gua selesai...dan ternyata perjalanan masih panjang...
ReplyDeleteEmang kurang apanya lagi, broh?
DeleteAne dlu main ps 1 tamat,tp ga perfect,trus dh vakum main ps ganti ke laptop...tp ga lama krn rusak..
ReplyDeleteSkarang coba main lg di android pke emulator psx
Kali ini ga boleh gagal..kudu perfect ending...
Eh trnyata harus namatin tomba 1 dlu baru bsa unlock 4 misi lain...
DeleteAne dlu main ps 1 tamat,tp ga perfect,trus dh vakum main ps ganti ke laptop...tp ga lama krn rusak..
ReplyDeleteSkarang coba main lg di android pke emulator psx
Kali ini ga boleh gagal..kudu perfect ending...
Eh trnyata harus namatin tomba 1 dlu baru bsa unlock 4 misi lain...
Semangat! (2)
DeleteHancurin sarang Kunang-kunang di Ranch Summit gimana ea?
ReplyDeleteCek nomor 52 di post ini yap http://faqada-kedavra.blogspot.co.id/2015/03/tomba-2-part-2-secondary-events.html
Deletegan mau tanya ini maksudnya gimana "Kamu harus nyelesein beberapa quest tertentu yang ada di Tomba 1 untuk bisa unlock quest Tomba 1 ". Apa harus main dulu tomba satu bukan /
ReplyDeleteBechuuuull itu!
DeletePantes uda tamat ko kaya ada misi yang belum slesai. Jadi ngeganjel gitu gan
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ReplyDeleteya allah kamana wae abdi teh 20 tahun kamari ternyata ada 3 series tamat, jadi 2 series ane tamatin doang selama 4x tamat.
ReplyDeleteHue jadi 4 misi itu harus download tomba 1 dulu dah biar perfect.
Salam penggemar Tomba PS1 gan haha dari dulu ane nyari" yang perfect gimana ternyata ada.
ane ngulang lagi di hp baru tamat 2x nih, ya musti maen tomba 1 inimah.
Wee gw udah yg ending kedua dia pake tuxedo tp ujung ujungnya tuxedo ama dia kalo ga salah di lepas trus nyebur kelaut *cmiiw
ReplyDeleteTapi gabisa main misi yg ada tomba 1 nya soalnya ga punya -___- lagian gw main pake emulator
Download aja save file tomba 1 nya, saya baru tamat lagi kmarin dgn perfect ending :D
Deletepangen nanya, caranya dapatin 20 kunang2 buat misi yg di water tample itu gimana, kunang2 sya udah 19 tinggl 1 lagi, tapi bingunga cari 1 itu dimana?
ReplyDeletetrus misi yg di water tample juga yg disuruh cari burung apa gitu sama tikus yg di situ, cari burungnya dimana, padahal udah ada bulu nya di kasih sama si tikus yg mirip tupai itu+
Ngancurin sarang di deket burung biru di kujara .Menangin misi mencari 3 anak keciil. Ngambil di kujara saat ada salju sama dongkin saat blm melawan ghost pig
DeleteUdah tamat dengan events 132 dikira udah perfect ternyata precious ring kelewat, meleg deh ganjel bgt bikin gabsa tidur.. Ngulang lgi dr tomba 1 deh biar perfect ending
ReplyDeletepangen nanya, caranya dapatin 20 kunang2 buat misi yg di water tample itu gimana, kunang2 sya udah 19 tinggl 1 lagi, tapi bingunga cari 1 itu dimana?
ReplyDeleteNgancurin sarang di deket burung biru di kujara .Menangin misi mencari 3 anak keciil. Ngambil di kujara saat ada salju sama dongkin saat blm melawan ghost pig
DeleteYg 1 kan emang udh ada di sarang kunang"nya .
DeleteTotal yg kita cari cmn 19 doang.
3 dari anak kecil .
5 dari dkt sarang burung .
11 nyari di kujara & forest .
Biasanya klau ane cmn di kujara 10 sisa 1 di forest
Akhirnya tamat perfect juga 133 misi, thanks bantuannya min
ReplyDeleteMau nanya, kegunaan mermaid bucket apaan ya, terus cara pakainya gimana ?
ReplyDeleteIya nih bingung jg itu ember buat apaan
DeleteEmber yg selalu ada isinya, jadi gak perlu diisi ke keran. sayangnya kita dapet itu setelah ember (hampir) gak berguna lagi.
DeletePantesan ga nemu bunus event, sama box nishiki servant not file to load, ternyata buat load tomba 1, ane baru dapet 2 ending, baru 3x tamat. Tx ni gan infonya. Berguna
ReplyDeletebuka white chest di kujara yang ketindihan batu gimana sih?
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DeleteHarus dapat Torch Hammer di Tower of Strength gan
DeleteDigeser pake senjata blackjack. Dari kiri ke kanan. T
DeleteGan ada save complete tomba 1 ngga ?
DeleteDonlod disitu bro...
Ane dah tamat 5 kali d hitung dr tahun 2000an 😂 tp kok quest yg selesai cuman 132 kan ada 133 d luar quest tomba1 berarti 1 questnya apaan gan??
ReplyDeletePrecious ring? Kalau gak pakai walkthrough yakin gak ada yg bakal dapat wkwk
DeleteBro ada save tomba 1 nya ga?
DeleteDonlod disitu bro...
ReplyDeleteFile save tomba 1
Donlod disitu bro...
Gak bisa ditemukan bro, not found. Error
Deletesudah mati bro..
ReplyDeleteKenapa ga bisa save data di mini temple ?
ReplyDeleteEror atau gimana?? ?
DeleteNaek kereta bawa semennya itu loh yang.... argh puluhan kali ulang buat dapet perfect ending ,-
ReplyDeletePake cheat freeze time🤣
DeleteGk menantang bro.
DeleteDi up gan keretanya
Kmren maen ini Magic seed dapet golden sun dapet bruntung bgt ga sampe 10 balikan ga sampe aral melintang hhaa
DeleteAne nyari pot of life yg setengah lagi gak ketemu², nanggung kali 15 1/2 health (life) bar ane.zzzz X'D
ReplyDeleteDi Pipe Area, ada berapa yg dekat Pipa nya ? Cuman 2, kan ? Lokasi nya yg dekat Pintu Evil Ghost dan di lokasi Precise Ring ? Apa ada 1 lg ? Nanggung udah 15 1/2 😂
ReplyDeletesaya sudah ada save data tomba 1.. terus cara supaya aditional eventnya tomba 2 keunlock gimana ya?
ReplyDeleteLoad data . Dari tempat misi nyari burung buat pajangan
DeleteItu lokasi . 100 tahun old man . Dimana yah lokasi jimatnya . Ane nyari muter" gk ketemu .
ReplyDeleteNih dah 6 kali tamat . Skrng bru tau ad misi tambahan dri Tomba 1 .
Klo main di psp hp android gmn gan pindahin memory nya?dr tomba 1 ke tomba 2
DeleteTurun ke bawah dari pintu menangis, dekat ujung tunnel, harus pakai hip attack biar agak tenggelam buat ngambil
DeleteAlhmdlillah baru namatin lg bedanya skrg tamatnya dgn perfect ending 133+4 😎 . Ending sblm2nya kacau eventnya cuma 120an 🤣
ReplyDeleteDone red tuxedo, tomba 1 kurang 2 event aargh, untungnya bisa kabur dari real evil pig buat perfect tomba 1
ReplyDeletedi epsxe saya suara tombanya enggak ada, cuma suara musik, mungkin teman2 bisa bantu settingannya?
ReplyDeleteCoba buat default settingannya
Deletegan, punya saya kok cuma 128 occur ya
ReplyDeleteGimana caranya? Jadi tomba 1 nya di-save di slot memory yg berbeda gitu? Tomba 1 di slot memory 1 sedangkan tomba 2 di slot 2?